What is bullying? Why do bullies exist? What does it feel like to be bullied? If you are wondering any of these, then you are reading the right post. So my life has been great while I was a child, but all that turned into memories once I entered middle school. My family contains two fathers Dan and Phil with their not-bloody-linked brothers PJ and Chris. Basically, I have two dad's and as you all may find out, yes they're gay- well bisexual. Because of that, I was bullied my entire middle school and my life turned into total crap. Somehow, I survived middle school, but once I enterd high school, my life turned from crap to hell. I was pushed against lockers, walls, I got my lunch into trash can, I was basically a victim of bullying. Because of that, I started getting depressed and that's why I ended in mental hospital. Bullies are someone who use your kindness and happiness and crush them, they use your poor life to have fun with and they think they are best and you can do nothing to them, they are reason you get stressed and depressed and they exist to ruin your life. If you are victim of bullying, please contact somebody who will at least be there to protect or comfort you, ask for help and don't keep it in. Good Luck.
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